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Information & Broadcasting Secretary (IBS) announces plans to launch curriculum on Animation, Gaming and VFX in schools soon

tags: animation, vfx, school, gaming, IBS, FICCI

In a recent announcement at the inaugural session of FICCI Frames in Mumbai, Union Information and Broadcasting Secretary (IBS) Apurva Chandra shared that the Indian government plans to introduce a curriculum focused on Animation, Gaming, and VFX courses in schools. The announcement was made with the goal of positioning India as a global leader in these fields.


Chandra acknowledged that India has some catching up to do when it comes to Animation, VFX, and Gaming. He believes that by implementing a specialized curriculum in schools, the country will be able to produce a highly skilled workforce that can compete on the global stage.


The announcement of the curriculum is a positive step in the right direction as it helps to address the existing gap in the Indian education system. Currently, there are limited opportunities for students to learn about these industries in a structured manner. The introduction of a curriculum will provide students with a solid foundation and prepare them for future careers in these fields.


Chandra also announced that a national center of excellence for Animation, Gaming, and VFX will be established in Mumbai’s Goregaon Film City. The Maharashtra government has allotted 30 acres of land for this center. The establishment of this center will provide a platform for students to gain practical experience and exposure to the industry while receiving training from experts in the field.


This initiative will also help to create job opportunities in the Animation, VFX, and Gaming industries. Currently, the demand for skilled professionals in these fields is high, but the availability of trained personnel is limited. The introduction of a specialized curriculum will help to bridge this gap and provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge required to succeed in these fields.


It is important to note that the Animation, VFX, and Gaming industries have seen tremendous growth in recent years. According to a report by KPMG, the Indian Animation and VFX industry is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 11.9% between 2021 and 2026. The report also states that the gaming industry in India is expected to reach a value of $3.75 billion by 2024. These statistics highlight the immense potential and opportunities available in these industries.


In addition to providing a platform for students to develop their skills, the establishment of a national center of excellence for Animation, Gaming, and VFX will also help to create a collaborative ecosystem for the industry. It will provide an opportunity for industry professionals, educators, and policymakers to come together and share their knowledge and experiences.


This collaborative ecosystem will help to foster innovation and entrepreneurship in the industry. It will provide an opportunity for students to work on real-world projects, collaborate with industry professionals, and develop new ideas and products.


The announcement of the curriculum and the establishment of a national center of excellence for Animation, Gaming, and VFX are positive steps towards the development of the industry in India. It will help to position India as a global leader in these fields and create a highly skilled workforce that can compete on the global stage.


Overall, the introduction of a curriculum focused on Animation, Gaming, and VFX in schools and the establishment of a national center of excellence for the industry in Mumbai are positive steps towards the development of the industry in India. It will provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in these fields and create job opportunities in the industry.



About Information & Broadcasting Secretary (IBS) :

The Indian Information & Broadcasting Secretary (IBS) is a senior bureaucrat responsible for overseeing the development and regulation of the media industry in India. The IBS formulates policies and programs, works closely with other government departments and stakeholders, and ensures that the industry operates within the framework of laws and regulations that promote transparency, accountability, and ethical practices. With the increasing penetration of the internet and smartphones in India, the IBS has played a significant role in promoting the growth of the digital media industry. Overall, the IBS’s role is critical to the development and regulation of the media industry in India, ensuring that it benefits all stakeholders, including the general public.

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